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Paul Harvey Quotes Good Day


Discover Paul Harvey's Famous and Rare Quotes

Insights on Discipline, Age, and Spiritual Beliefs

Paul Harvey's Impactful Quotations

Paul Harvey, renowned American radio broadcaster and news commentator, left an indelible mark with his thought-provoking quotes. His words continue to resonate with audiences, providing wisdom and inspiration. This article compiles some of his most famous and rare gems, offering a glimpse into his perspective on life, discipline, and spiritual beliefs.

Quotes on Discipline and Age

"Discipline yourself, or be disciplined by life." This quotation underscores the importance of self-mastery and taking control of one's actions. Harvey believed that true freedom lies in the ability to control one's impulses and live with purpose.

"Age is not a barrier. It's a horizon. It's the boundless sea from which the glorious sun rises every day." Harvey celebrated the beauty and potential of every stage of life. He saw age as a chapter of growth, not a limitation.

Exploring Paul Harvey's Religious Beliefs

Harvey's Christian faith played a significant role in his life and message. Some of his most memorable quotes reflect his beliefs:

  • "A good friend will tell you when he thinks you've had too much to drink." This quote emphasizes the importance of honest feedback and support from those who care about one's well-being.
  • "A person should set their goals, based on their values." Harvey believed that living a fulfilling life requires a clear understanding of one's values and purpose.

Harvey's religious beliefs appealed strongly to a conservative Christian audience. However, he was not afraid to challenge and question the status quo, inspiring both admiration and controversy throughout his career.

Final Thoughts

Paul Harvey's quotes continue to captivate and inspire audiences. They offer insights into the importance of discipline, the beauty of aging, and the role of spiritual beliefs in shaping one's life. By exploring his words, we can gain valuable lessons and enrich our own understanding of the world around us.

